Saturday, May 26, 2012

First half on the books

Honestly, I have been putting off writing about running the Capitol City Marathon mostly because its difficult to put into words what it felt like to run it. I want to be able to capture the experience so that I can share it with you but its still something that is formulating in my mind, as silly as that sounds. Waking up on the day of was a little bit of a downer. I wasn't feel well at all, my cold had gotten worse, my throat was on fire...and here I was expecting to run 13 miles all at once when I had yet to accomplish that in my training. Was I scared? A little bit. Was I excited? At that point..not really. I was really just tired and wondering if it was a good idea for me to go through with it. I woke up at 430, got some breakfast, took a shower and got back in bed til 545 to get a little more shut eye. 

We left with plenty of time to get there, and had a lot of time when we were there to walk around, see were things were, go to the bathroom..etc. Watching the Marathoner's start, listening to the countdown to their beginning was when it really hit me. I was so excited for them!! 26 miles!? Wow, at that point it was hard to fathom going 13 miles let alone double that!! 

For the first 6 miles I forced myself to go slow. A lot slower than I needed to it turns out. I'd already ran 7.5-8.5 on my own time, so I knew I could at least make it that far without completely running out of energy. Running with a bunch of people definitely makes you feel a little more accountable..and makes it much easier to push aside that little voice in your head telling you it's okay to stop for just a few minutes. :) I ran with Danielle and Alisha the first mile, then I slowly split off and kept going when they needed to slow down. After that it was just me and the road and a whole ton of spectators. It was strange to be surrounded by so many people doing the same thing that I was..just pushing through. The hills weren't as bad as a I thought they would be. But I took them slow and ran the downhills faster to keep my energy up.
In hindsight, I wish I would have pushed myself harder. I definitely could have handled a little more speed..but I'm trying really hard not to dwell on the fact that 'I could have done better' and focus instead on the fact that I DID IT!!  When I got to about mile 9, I got this surge of energy and emotion that I never expected. When I realized a few marathoners were passing me... I seriously felt some pride in them and they were complete strangers! As embarrassing as it is, the energy of the supporters on the sidelines, and seeing these people speed past me, I had no doubt that I was going to finish... and that right there...was right up there on the list of top ten best feelings ever I think.


Wow this picture is hawwt isn't it? lol! The last 6 miles were the best of them all. I had reached my groove, I felt great and I could almost taste the last couple of miles. This was also the point where I was pushing myself to pass people. I got to talk to a few random strangers who helped me out with some pacing encouragement. Once the finish line was in view--  I sprinted the last 0.25 of it just because it was so awesome to see the finish line up ahead, knowing that Daniel was going to be waiting for me when I got there too. It was a good first race. I'm ready for my next training adventure. :)

Friday, May 25, 2012


BicBands pretty much saved my life ;). Orr just made my run so much easier! I haven't found a comfy headband that stays on my head for an entire workout--through sweat, through jumping, through running, through rain and other crazy weather. So you can imagine I was so excited when I found these! The material is really nice, when I ordered them they came within 2-3 days (maybe I was just lucky?) so it was in time for my race. I hate having to adjust and readjust my hair when I'm running, but I also hate having my hair in my face... Anyway. Enough going on and on. If you need headbands though.... check these out!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Run baby run!

I made it! All 13.1 miles of it. Unfortunately I came down with a cold this that wasn't helpful. It didn't make me want to push it more than I could handle. But I ran the whole thing. Which makes me happy. I did it at a 12:18 pace...which isn't that great but it gives me a starting point for my next race! I felt amazing finishing 13.1 miles. It was exhilarating to say the least. I'm so psyched!! I will write more about the details of the race later. For now my body is just done with me. I am slightly afraid of waking up in the morning....and being so stiff that I can't move. But we'll hope for the best. Sweet dreams!
PS you can check out my stats at AthletePath, under Races.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What to do the week of the RACE!

The final countdown! Less than 48 hours til I run 13.1 miles!! Preparation started back in January when I decided to sign myself up to run a 1/2 marathon for the first time ever ( Yep, I'm only half crazy). I have to say I thought I would be more nervous than I am. I feel like I'm not as ready as I wanted to be, but at the same time I feel like I have come a long ways from back when I was running 1/2 mile and quitting. Just keep RUNNING, thats what I will need to keep telling myself. You can sign up to get my results immediately when they are posted Here if you want.  Since its my first, my main goal is just to Finish, my second goal is to run the whole thing no matter how slow I have to do it. My roomie and I took a drive a couple mornings ago to see where the route goes...lets just say we were a little (okay, a lot) intimidated by the length and all of the hills that are there! This is the course.
I've done a few things to try to ensure a minimal stress day for the actual race day.

I checked out the website to double check times for picking up my registration packet, when & where the pasta dinner is being held the night before, any special instructions that I would need to know so that I wont' have to worry about that on Race day. This is what I found out

- I will pick up my registration packet the day before from 12-5pm
- The pasta dinner is being held downtown at the Waterstreet Cafe, from 5-7.
- The race strongly recommends against music players
- I will be running with about 1000 other runners just in the 1/2 marathon category and 500 in the marathon category .
- The Marathon starts at 715, the Half starts at 745

I'm doing some extra hydrating today and tomorrow... its always hard to drink a ton of water before a run anyway because I don't want to have to pee every 1/2 mile.
Also trying to eat healthy, but include more good carbs and protein. Now isn't the time to cut back on my calories since I will need all I can get the day of the race. I'm not overdoing it...just making sure I am eating enough.
Trying to keep the positivity up. I think a large challenge for me is being mentally ready to last for 13.1 miles! Keeping my favorite running mantras in mind, listening to some good music, a relaxing massage, kicking back at home watching a few shows has been my mental preparation so far.
 A couple mantras I've added: 
       - Don't fear slowly moving forward, fear standing still.
       - Running makes you strong.
       - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
       - Strong is what happens when you run out of weak
       - When your legs get tired, run with your heart
An amazing blogger  that I follow, Tina at, has an awesome post that has given me a few tips too, check it out.

I've Created a couple plans... One for the Day before:
          - Set 2 + alarms to wake up early to eat 3 hours before
          - Get some quality sleep friday night and saturday night (go to sleep earlier, plan to wake up early in prep)
          - Take some extra vitamins-- Vit B & Vit D3 Friday and Saturday-- skip them on Race day
          - Wash clothes 2 days before, set out shirt, pants, undies, shoes, blister emergency repair kit, spibelt, BodyGlide, GU Chomps, Headband, Socks, hair tie
          - Make an After Race bag include: Keys, Extra set of clothes, water bottle/sports drink, snack like--Piece of fruit, cheese, chocolate milk, iced coffee, & flip flops

And One for Race Day:
          - Wake up at 0400
          - Eat a Breakfast of the REAL champions... :)  Oatmeal with Peanut butter, Iced Coffee, Fruit & protein smoothie!16 oz of water
          - Go back to sleep for a nap til 530
          - Take a shower
          - Have Dan pick us up at 0620 so we can make it there before 7am (leaving time for traffic)
          - Get situated, stand in line for the bathroom, stretch, mentally prepare myself, etc...

WOW this seems like a lot. I'm super psyched!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This is FUN!

Haha This matched my thoughts today. I like it. It applies to a whole lot of things for me at this moment... Running... Yeah, I had a run yesterday..but it was one of those forced runs. {Remember, Running is FUN} (Oh and by the way RUN FASTER because you're going to be late for work if you dont!) And I copped out today. Mostly because my thoughts were running WILD and I needed to calm them down with a talk with my man. He's good peoples. :) Gotta sit down in this uncomfortableness of uncertainty and just let it roll on-- through the Super excited moments and the Extra Oh Crap moments where I realize the things that will be missing very very soon {Remember, Change is FUN}. It's back to work later tonight (short day off! Long week!). Tooo soon {Remember, Nursing is FUN}.  Re-instate my old mantra............ Let. Go. & Just Keep Breathing.{Remember, Life is FUN}.