Thursday, December 30, 2010

Health of the week

For the past six days I've been living and breathing work & sleep. To counteract the stress that inevitably hits me like a ton of bricks when I've got work I decided to try taking some B vitamins and a daily aspirin. What's so great about B vitamins? Strangely enough, work decided to immerse me in the necessity of B giving me patient after patient who had B vitamin deficiency because of excessive alcohol. Wh-hoo. Now I don't have that problem. Actually, on the contrary I am probably 100%+ on my B vitamins. But... nonetheless. B vitamins are good for supporting metabolism--which means the body is better at processing the food we take in into energy that we need.  Ensuring that I've got enough, means that I can process more efficiently & effectively. which means...more energy? I'm hoping. Some studies say Yes. Some studies say, Hey you already get enough from your food so you're just peeing it all off since they are water soluble. I just decided to see what it does for me.
The aspirin...well that is for 2 things. One, my back hurts like nothing else when I'm at work. Two, it happens to be in my excedrin which also contains the amazingness we all know as--caffeiene. :) But health-wise... as we all get older it doesn't hurt (unless you have anemia or some kind of bleeding problem), to thin the blood out a little bit so we can prevent getting clots which either lead to DVTs or the big one that I get to deal with on a daily basis-- strokes. Without delving too deep- DVT stands for Deep Vein Thrombosis-- Not so good because it means blood has pooled somewhere..usually it's in your legs, and when blood stays in one place for too long it clots--therefore creating major pain, and risk for throwing the clot to somewhere more serious (heart, lungs..etc), andd it obstructs blood flow. So that's my health acquired thing of the week. Sleep was my excercise this week. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


You know the feeling you get right after you have had a really hard workout?
It kind of feels awful, but at the same time it feels good to have accomplished something, to have stretched out all your muscles, plus maybe its the endorphins kicking in...making you feel like you could go another round..
What about the day after? When you wake up and you are think to yourself AGH what happened to me? I can hardly move my legs. Am I paralyzed!? Oh NO!- My dream about the running face on into a tree and then dragged around by my toes through the olympic mountains was actually REAL. Then you fully wake up and it's just because you decided to go on a silly kick and work out yesterday & the day before

That is when you turn to the specialty trio chocolate M&Ms, a tall glass of water & a couple ibuprofen before immersing yourself into the hottest water you can stand(...or a hot tub if you have access)...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

List of 13

I've been reading around and complied a list of ways to keep it up. Not necessarily to be implemented all at once... but just things to think about.
"Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle the setbacks."

1- Easy does it. My first instinct is to jump in head first, full force. It feels like the only way sometimes. (not just in exercise, but everywhere in life.) It feels like if I don't just change everything all at once, then I won't do it at all. On the contrary, when it comes to being's not going to happen all it once. No matter how much I lay in bed wishing it would... So how about one day at a time. Build intensity later.
2- Reward yourself. This is one of the things I tend to leave out. It feels so counterproductive to go home and eat a whole bunch of pasta just because it's what I'm craving the most, or drink a latte with *GASP* regular syrup and regular milk. Umm Hello. Why does exercise have to be about weight all the time anyway. That just makes me feel less motivated to do it...because it never happens fast enough for me. Today, the whole weight loss thing is going to just be a nice bonus...and if it doesn't happen then so be it. I just want to be healthy today, and healthy means happy so rewarding myself to keep myself going is Ok. Hence the massage yesterday...what can I say, I like to start with a bang. And by bang I mean.. BIG REWARD
3- Make it a Challenge. Challenge yourself to 30 days. Create a chart. Add rewards. Do it with someone else. Tell everyone you're doing it. Make a goal. Motivate yourself to death. Ok death may be slightly drastic, and defeat the purpose of the whole ordeal.
4- Blog about it. Hmm, seems like I've acquired this one? One of the places I read said Tell your mom about it. HAHA...needless to say I laughed. Journalling or blogging about it can be a motivator, or it can be a venting session about how much I hate my decision to do this... either way I figure it's a way to see progress and have fun making pointless lists like this one...Oh and subjecting the general public to them. SWEET! double whammy.
5- Fuel it up. How about some Pre-energization. Is that a word? It is now! Lets see... a banana, or for those of you who despise bananas, apples, grapefruit, oranges, cliff bars (gross!), granola and yogurt. Yum! Let us have energy to work out.
6- Say Yes to H20. I realize that doesn't rhyme.. but hydration is key to an awesome workout. I'm not an advocate of the whole sports drink thing because it's basically just a bunch of carbs that add unnecessary calories. Buuut at your discretion. I personally have taken to vitamin water, or more specifically sobe water. I read somewhere that its good to hydrate even an hour before you work out.
7- Go with a friend. This doesn't really apply to me. Not here one goes to my gym, and lets face it I'm a hermit. If I had cats, I'd be the scary cat lady. Instead I guess I am just the scary lady?
8- Get good clothes. Okay, for one any reason to get new workout gear is like a positive motivator for me. Hehe. What can I say, I just like sports clothes. Like... Lucy, Title Nine...trouble is they are way too expensive. I'll go for it though, kinda makes it more enjoyable to wear something nice.
9- When it pops in your head, just do it. Don't think, just do it. Instead of tossing around the idea of being active in your mind throughout the day and then never getting around to it... When you think "I should go to the gym"-- put on your shoes and GO!
10- Buy some cool Fitness gadgets. Hmmm an MP3 player to boost your mood?, a heart rate monitor or pedometer? Gives you something to look forward to.
11- Don't buy anything. On second thought... JUST FREAKING WORKOUT! You don't really need to buy anything. Reward yourself later. Besides, you might get yourself into a predicament..where you have a whole bunch of workout stuff but you never use it. Then you're just like me..with an unused gym membership. Sad panda. :(
12- Stretch. Stretching is important, but did you know it's actually not good to stretch before you start your workout? Some refer to it as stretching cold. If you're going to stretch before working out, you should stretch After your warm up. Interesting. Anyway, I like the idea of being flexible. Instead of weight loss, I think thats my main goal.
13- Make it a habit. For some it works to schedule workouts, for others you just need to throw it in 20 minutes here and there wherever you have the chance plus a couple days at the gym. Either way, consistency is the key. Keep it up. Focus on just doing a little every day-- then step up the intensity when you're ready. No need to burn yourself out.

Healthier, slimmer, sexier you... RaWRr!

Take the Leap

"A daily hit of athletic-induced endorphins gives you the power to make better decisions, helps you be at peace with yourself, and offsets stress."
I woke up yesterday morning (a rare occurence but nonetheless I did wake up so I qualify for points on that one) and I was feeling "blah" which seems to be a regular routine to my mornings as of late. Flipped a CD in the changer and hopped in the shower, texted a few close friends felt a little better and somehow (wonder of wonders!) decided that going to the gym was my best bet keeping the the feeling of "blah" at bay.

Lets just be honest here, It's been... months. Sadly, I've been paying for a gym membership for the last 6+ months and I have gone maybe..twice? That is sad for more than one reason not only fact that I was paying whatever set amount a month just for the peace of mind that made me feel better that I belonged to a gym. We won't go into that psychological quite yet though. 

So lets make a decision. Stop being one of those people who pays for a gym membership, just to be able to let go of a shread of the guilt attached with not putting an effort into the whole exercise part of the health thing. Is it really worth it!? Either Make the effort to go to the gym...or just LET IT GO. Accept that you've got to find a new way, and that is OKAY!

I've decided to take the leap. Now how many times have I said that? Oh wait, remember last year, and the year before and the year before that...seems to always happen about this time--only maybe a little closer to January 1st for the inevitable Resolutions-made to be broken. Or what about last week. Lets just quote myself "I think Gym is going to be a January thing"... Response from the loving sister: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! oh. you are serious. Sorry, just a little cliche." 

Whatever. I'm feeling it. The bug has bit me yet again. And this time I'm going to blog about it.

So Epic Fail or Epic Victory... we'll see. Hope you'll join me for the ride!