Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have discovered my love for zumba once again. I found a new instructor that started a new class at my gym and her character and attitude remind me a lot of the instructor that taught the class I used to attend in Vancouver. I still, or perhaps--more so than ever, look like a retarded string bean...but I love the music, the upbeat attitude and when I can lose myself in makes me feel awesome afterwards..soo I don't care how reeediculous I look.
However, I am definitely feeling the ache in places I never knew could ache before. oouch!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hottttttt Yoga...

No joke. It really is HOT. No lets go with sweltering.. melting...yeeah. I could go on but..we'll stop there.
My challenge of the day was just to stay in the room for the whole 90 minutes. I did prettty good actually. I find it surprising what your body can do when you allow your mind, body, and your breathing to be in sync and you just let everything else go. It makes me realize how much our mind complicates things and hinders us simply by placing fear, uncertainty, unbelief in our focus and once that all bets seem to be off.
I like it. I think I'm going to try it out again tomorrow :). Heat I come.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tennis on the water

I think this will be my next attempt at Extreme Exercising ;). Can you say... AWESOME!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bikram Yoga

Also known as Hot Yoga. I am entertaining the idea of trying it out. I am extremely inflexible, out of shape, and I have been to yoga once at my gym.. so the thought seems daunting and intimidating. 90 minutes of stretching, breathing, being in the same room as my mind instead of running from it and all in a sauna-like environment.... This just sounds like a recipie for the downfall of Ashlee. But it also sounds like a challenge that might be awesome and I might fall in love with it. I've been wanting to stretch my body out, and learn flexibility of the mind. It feels like my body hates me lately. Which is basically the basis for jumping on the work-out/health routine. Maybe this is my chance to start the process of getting to the core of my body and loosening up from the inside out. 

There are Pros and Cons, as with every decision. Lets start with the Cons so we can end on a positive note.

{1} Expensive. I can intro the class for 1 week of unlimited classes for $20... but after that, it costs $53 for 4 classes, or $115 for 10 classes... Yikes. My pocket has already seen unencumbered spending the last month or two. Retail therapy is not really helping my bank account out. I need way too much of it. I think I need another outlet..
{2} Difficult. There is no doubt that it is going to be hard for me, especially in the beginning. It's going to be pure, unadulterated torture..and I'm sure I will hate myself for at least 89 of those minutes. Maybe thats what I need to do to get back to feeling good though?
{3} Hot. Really really really hot. Lately tolerance hasn't been a strong point in my life. Spending Ninety minutes in a sweatbox with who knows how many other people's germs and smells? And it's Olympia, AND its there are bound to be some smells I have never encountered before and probably really don't ever want to. My limits will be exerted to the I ready for that?

{1} Flexibility. If I go consistently, which if I pay for it I'm pretty sure I'll be going at least 2-3 times a week. They are open everyday...which is a huge plus. That means less scheduling conflicts for me.
{2} Mental. The thought of learning to be quiet, and let my mind open a little instead of remain in this tense stress state that I am always in lately--sounds really appealing to me.
{3} Challenge. Although the hotness will be awful, and it will drive me to the point of insanity. I think I'm up for the challenge...a set routine/class where I can set aside everything else and focus on working out the kinks and gaining more strength and flexibility...hmmm. As hard as it may be I think the challenge & results might be worth it.
{4} Supplies. I already have them. I bought a mat awhile back, I have a gym bag, I have a wall to wall closet full of clothes.
{5} Someone. My friend Sara from work wants to do it with me...that's a big motivator. It always helps to have the thought of someone else counting on you to be there. Sara is a good one too. I'm 'work-close' with her... we are friends, but we only know so much about each other..we know each other enough to be able to hang out..but not enough for it to be okay to bail out at the last minute unless it was something important that came up.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Walks on the Beach

A nice stroll along the Santa Cruz beach is good for the soul.
I love the feeling...
...of sand surrounding my feet
...of jumping in the air under the boardwalk
...of laughing with my sister and future brother in law
...of chasing Egrets & Seagulls
...of writing notes in the sand
...of viewing the world from a camera lens
...of watching the sun set over the Monterey Bay
...of being mesmerized by the waves crashing on the sand