Saturday, May 17, 2014

It's REAL!!

Dan put in his 2 weeks notice & we have had 12+ call backs to rent the house out! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Song of the day

Moving On & Moving In

Changes: I'm almost 12 weeks into my first contract! Which means it is almost completed. I have decided to extend..because apparently summer of 2014 is the year to get married & have big life changes!! My friend Justus is getting married (whaaat???) in August, Dan's friend Bobby is getting married 2 weeks before, and my cousin Makylee is getting married in June! Hoping to take a hop over to the east side and visit the family & spend some QT with Lace for Chelan. A & Z are coming to the great pacific northwest for a visit this summer...just a lot of good reasons to keep on keeping on here for a couple more months before we truly dive into the Travel thing. My tendency towards logical rationality has been a HUGE roadblock for me lately. I just can't get away from making sure that Dan & I are making smart decisions in regards to our house, our jobs, our life & how it is all going to affect us in the future..but also torn because I want to just drop everything and run. Be spontaneous, have fun, be kids, go on an adventure! Achieving that balance is proving to be so much harder than it seems on the surface. What is this adult stuff anyway!!!? :) 

So whats new with me: 

  • I live in South Seattle now instead of in Federal way/Tacoma. Let us all PAUSE for a moment and be ecstatic that my commute is no longer 50 minutes. 
  • My apartment is...let us just say minimalistic :) Dan and I are trying to figure out what all we need to be able to travel and what we can live without. At the moment I'm bunking it on the floor on a mattress topper..wh-hoooo. It's actually not too bad in comparison to the leaky air mattress :) Plus I'm sure I will get my best sleep EVER when I get to sleep on my beloved mattress again. 
  • Dan is putting in his 2 weeks notice on this Friday. Everyone keeps asking what is he going to do?? Sigh.. I have to say I hate that question, mostly because I am indecisive and so influenced by others' opinions even though I really do not want to be. The answer is...we honestly just don't know but we do know that we can't be apart like this forever. As long as the house is either rented out or sold we can get by with just me working for awhile, and Dan can get some schooling done or certifications to help him nail down the job he really wants. He has been applying for a LOT of temp I.T. jobs, but hearing back is taking a lot of time. So we decided that at some point we have to just jump and get out of limbo-land. 
  • I quit my per diem job in Hood River this I'm finished there for awhile at least. I left on good terms, so if I do need to go back I'm sure they would do their best to try to get me back on staff. 
  • My apartment is anti-internet at the moment :) But Dan has set it up for me from afar so it should be coming soon! (Yayyyyy husbands :))
  • I've been trying to make myself explore instead of holing up in my apartment.. :) Yesterday I found lots of trails around Interurban Ave that are great for running & walks & dogs and such. Today I'm going to head up towards Alki Beach and check that area out. I'm excited, I haven't been there yet & it is supposed to be mid-70s today!