Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm a Survivor!

Dan told me about this Race that sounded like fun so I've been researching it and I sooo want to do it. Its called "Survivor Mud Run" and they do it a couple places in the US, one of them being Seattle. Sounds super intimidating, but it'd be awesome to be able to get through. It's basically an obstacle course in a bunch of mud that equals out to a 5k run...testing how well you run, jump, crawl, climb, etc. I'm sure it would be insane. Unfortunately its in 51 days so I'm pretty sure I won't be making it this year...I'll have to keep it in mind for next year though. I'll have to find another race to run instead.

Life's a Marathon...and you are in it.

Besides Hot yoga, I've been adding in some cardio. Just the other night I watched Soul surfer, and was inspired to write about cardio... Man I wish I was a surfer! I've always been impressed by those who can just jump on a treadmill, or lace up their running shoes & hit the road and run for miles. I know I could do it too, but I've never really built the endurance to do so. The dedication to just hit the road and run, and continue to run for hours...I like the idea, but to be honest I haven't made it past 1.5 at a time probably. I'm working on it though. My guy is one of those people. Literally... he runs anywhere from 6-10 miles a day and it is like nothing to him. Insanity. So every work out my goal is to increase my distance by a tenth or two tenths of a mile. I figure that if I can gradually increase my distance I might just be able to achieve one of the things on my list of 100 and some odd things to do before I reach age 30....which is-- to run in a 5-10k race.


So its been awhile. not to say I've given up on the whole exercise thing. I haven't I've just been too busy to blog about it. I put hot yoga on hold there for a couple months because I didn't have a chance to make sure I would go consistently. However the last few weeks I've taken it up again...And it's bringing some Zen back. The first few sessions of going back were complete and utter torture. I thought I wasn't going to make it thru 90 minutes, and the question never seemed to leave my mind-how the heck was I thinking this was a good idea?. Today however, that changed and I was reminded what it brings to my life. I made it through 90 minutes of 108 degrees, sweat-dripping, physically excruciating, mind-melting craziness...and somehow felt my ability to breathe deeper, stamina to continue, endurance to live up to the challenge increase...and it felt good. The take home message for me this week has been hot yoga helping me understand a little better about life & to start to relinquish the idea that everything is going to be Okay all the time or that I even need it to be. Obviously that isn't something I can achieve today, or maybe ever...but even just realizing that it's a roadblock..helps me to feel a little more flexible, a little more grounded, and a little less in a rut.